Kompiuterio energijos suvartojimo ataskaita.
Atidarykite CMD Administratoriaus teisėmis ir veskite šią komandinę eilutę.powercfg /energy /output C:\energy_report.html
Ir gausite kompiuterio energijos suvartojimo ataskaitą, kurią rasite C:\ diske.
Nešiojamo kompiuterio baterijos ataskaita.
Taip pat galite pasitikrinti savo nešiojamo kompiuterio baterijos būklę. Atidarykite CMD Administratoriaus teisėmis ir veskite šią komandinę eilutę.powercfg /batteryreport /output C:\battery_report.html
Ir gausite kompiuterio baterijos ataskaitą, kurią rasite C:\ diske.
Komandinės eilutės parinkčių aprašymai
Tolesniuose skyriuose aprašomos „Powercfg“ komandų eilutės parinktys ir argumentai.Option | Description |
/?, -help | Displays information about command-line parameters. |
/list, /L | Lists all power schemes. |
/query, /Q | Displays the contents of a power scheme. |
/change, /X | Modifies a setting value in the current power scheme. |
/changename | Modifies the name and description of a power scheme. |
/duplicatescheme | Duplicates a power scheme. |
/delete, /D | Deletes a power scheme. |
/deletesetting | Deletes a power setting. |
/setactive, /S | Makes a power scheme active on the system. |
/getactivescheme | Retrieves the currently active power scheme. |
/setacvalueindex | Sets the value associated with a power setting while the system is powered by AC power. |
/setdcvalueindex | Sets the value associated with a power setting while the system is powered by DC power. |
/import | Imports all power settings from a file. |
/export | Exports a power scheme to a file. |
/aliases | Displays all aliases and their corresponding GUIDs. |
/getsecuritydescriptor | Gets a security descriptor associated with a specified power setting, power scheme, or action. |
/setsecuritydescriptor | Sets a security descriptor associated with a power setting, power scheme, or action. |
/hibernate, /H | Enables and disables the hibernate feature. |
/availablesleepstates, /A | Reports the sleep states available on the system. |
/devicequery | Returns a list of devices that meet specified criteria. |
/deviceenableawake | Enables a device to wake the system from a sleep state. |
/devicedisablewake | Disables a device from waking the system from a sleep state. |
/lastwake | Reports information about what woke the system from the last sleep transition. |
/waketimers | Enumerates active wake timers. |
/requests | Enumerates application and driver Power Requests. |
/requestsoverride | Sets a Power Request override for a particular Process, Service, or Driver. |
/energy | Analyzes the system for common energy-efficiency and battery life problems. |
/batteryreport | Generates a report of battery usage. |
/sleepstudy | Generates a diagnostic system power transition report. |
/srumutil | Dumps Energy Estimation data from System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM). |
/systemsleepdiagnostics | Generates a diagnostic report of system sleep transitions. |
/systempowerreport | Generates a diagnostic system power transition report. |