Viskas apie Winget


winget tai CMD comanda labai panaši kaip linux platformoje apt-get jos pagalba galima įdiegti, išdiegti, atnaujinti programas Windows operacinėje sistemoje naudojant komandinę eilutę…

Norėdami surasti programą suveskite:

winget search <programos pavadinimas>

Norėdami įdiegti rasta programą veskite:

winget install <programos pavadinimas>

Norėdami atnaujinti visas įdiegtas programas veskite:

winget upgrade --all

Bei norėdami pašalinti norimą programą veskite:

winget uninstall <programos pavadinimas>

Visų komandų lenelė

Visų vedamų komandų pradžia winget ir likusi dalis

Komanda Aprašymas
info Displays metadata about the system (version numbers, architecture, log location, etc). Helpful for troubleshooting.
install Installs the specified application.
show Displays details for the specified application.
source Adds, removes, and updates the Windows Package Manager repositories accessed by the winget tool.
search Searches for an application.
list Display installed packages.
upgrade Upgrades the given package.
uninstall Uninstalls the given package.
hash Generates the SHA256 hash for the installer.
validate Validates a manifest file for submission to the Windows Package Manager repository.
settings Open settings.
features Shows the status of experimental features.
export Exports a list of the installed packages.
import Installs all the packages in a file.
pin Manage package pins.
configure Configures the system into a desired state.


winget įrankis palaiko šiuos nustatymus.

Nustatymas Aprašymas
-v, --version Returns the current version of winget.
–info Provides you with all detailed information on winget, including the links to the license, privacy statement, and configured group policies.
-?, --help Shows additional help for winget.